Remember, Remember your pets HATE November!
The title of this blog may sound a little dramatic, but it is really important to remember our pets during fireworks. Here are our 4 tips.
5 nasty pests and infections
1. Fleas These bouncy bugs are commonly found on cats and dogs. They feed on your pets and leave itchy bites
What pet species is best suited to your family?
What pet is best suited to your Family? Pets make an amazing additions to our lives and with almost half of the households in the UK...
New digital dental X-ray machine
Without dental x-rays (often taken immediately before and after treatment), painful tooth areas may not be treated properly and infected bit
How my cat helps me with my MS
Pets are great as therapy. Rebecca told us how her cat Roger helps her with her MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Find out.
Common pet poisons - pet poison prevention
It can seem like the world is full of things that can be poisonous to pets! In aid of Pet Poison Awareness week, we wanted to give you...
What we learned during Pet Dental Month
Here are 5 interesting things we at The Finchley Vet learned about pet dental health during National Pet Dental Month. Read 5 facts about pe
9 common conditions in older pets
As Abraham Lincoln once said, ‘in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years’. We all grow older,...
Do cats and dogs get dementia?
Yes, cats and dogs can get dementia too! In fact, signs of dementia are found in over 50% of dogs and 30% of cats over 11. Cats and dogs sig
Helping old cats and dogs
With an ageing population of both humans and animals it is important we all take care of each other during our senior years. As well as...