Christmas 2018 opening hours
Christmas eve - consulting until 5pm. Christmas Day - closed Boxing Day - closed New years Eve - consulting until 5pm New Years...
Brexit and your pets
Discussions and news about Brexit are hard to avoid, but it is really important to consider how Brexit may affect traveling with some of...
Keeping your pets safe at Christmas
The Finchley Dog Walker has written a great informative article for us - Keeping our pets safe during the Festive season can be a...
A dog with bloody diarrhoea
Barney, who is normally a very happy dog full of beans, came in to see us as an urgent appointment after he all of a sudden developed...
What might be making my dog anxious?
Some causes of anxiety in dogs: Just like humans, dogs can experience fear and anxiety. Anxiety can be triggered by the following...
Interview with RSPCA Finchley
What do the people who work at RSPCA Finchley do day to day? Day to day, we have two charity shops, they both have managers working daily...
Why does my cat have diarrhoea?
Here are some of the more common causes of diarrhoea in cats: ◦ Diet – Too quick a change to a new food or eating something unusual...
Why does my cat sneeze so much?
A one off sneeze is normally nothing to worry about. Just like humans, cats will sneeze sometimes. If your cat is sneezing several times...
How to keep your rabbit cool in hot weather
A great read by Nikki, veterinary nurse who runs Crumpets which boards small animals whilst you are away Make sure your rabbit's area is...
Great ideas to keep your pets cool at home
Written by Derek, The Finchley Dog Walker Summer is in full swing, and the heatwave looks to continue. It is important to remember that...