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our data protection policy

The GDPR (new data protection regulations) are in force from 25th May 2018. We have always been careful with your personal details and this has not changed.  However, the new regulations have led to some changes in how we must inform you about how your data is used and what information we must give you.  Please read and tick the box below to show you understand.  If you are unable to agree to any of the statements, we may not be able to continue to provide you with our services.


Your private data is held by The Local Vet Ltd. (of which The Finchley Vet is a trading name, operated and owned by The Local Vet Ltd.).  The details listed on this form and obtained previously (e.g. name, title, address, phone numbers, names of family members, notes about further communications with the practice) are held on a cloud based software system (this is currently licenced to The Local Vet Ltd. by Animana B.V., software company owned by IDEXX plc.).  The term 'private data' does not include information about your pets, however, we keep all of our medical notes confidential.


Due to the need to protect and safeguard our patients, your data may be held indefinitely.  In order to delete any data from our systems, please email  Certain pieces of data (e.g. name, title and notes made about interactions with the practice) are unlikely to be able to be deleted immediately, and may remain on the system for at least 7 years after your final contact with the practice due to the requirement on us to maintain indexed clinical records about our patients, for legal reasons.


In order to provide some of the services which we offer, we may have to transfer some of your private information to our subsidiaries or service providers.  These are mainly based in the UK and therefore are subject to the same data protection laws as we are.  Where they are not based in the UK, they have data protection measures in place which are robust.  We may use your data for individual or aggregated analysis to help us to identify trends or information about our clients.  This allows us to serve you better and tailor our practice to the needs of our clients.


Here is a list of some of the types of service providers that information may be transferred to (data processors), with some examples of the individual suppliers that we use for these services.  These individual suppliers change from time to time and a full and up to date list is provided on our website at


Practice Management Software - Remote hosted or Local hosted:  Animana (our cloud based practice computer system provider)

Data Storage and Indexing (e.g. for address lists or management meeting minutes) - Amazon Servers  (where the practice managment information is stored), Google Servers - (we use these to store some documents and data)

Registration Forms: Jotform

Reminders and Marketting Services and Communication: Virtual Recall (provide questionnaires to allow our clients to tell us how we can improve)

Other Vet Practices (as part of your pet's clinical notes - only if you or someone listed on your account specifically consents each time we send the notes to a practice for the first time)

Referral Vet Practices (if you have asked for referral to a specialist, or non-specialist, vet)

Finance Loans to Help Clients Pay for Services: Braemar Finance (a financial institution providing loans to cover veterinary treatment - we will only contact them on your behalf if you or someone listed on your account specifically requests this)

Insurance Companies  (again, only if you request us to communicate with a particular insurance company will we communicate your private information with them.)



We, our subsidiaries or our service providers may contact you by email, SMS, telephone, mail, social media, messenger platforms.  This allows us to remind you, for example, about treatments that may be due for your pet.  We may also contact you to tell you more about things that are happening with the practice.



Phone calls to and from the practice may be recorded and are usually kept for no more than 90 days.  Certain phone call recordings may be kept for longer than this is in specific cases.  This is for training, monitoring and compliance reasons.  The recordings are usually held off site by a third party and cannot be accessed by members of The Local Vet Ltd. staff apart from senior management.  They may occasionally be held locally on computers owned and operated locally by The Local Vet Ltd..  We do not keep phone calls in which payment card details are shared.


You have a right to receive an electronic copy of the data held about you.  You can request this any time by emailing  You also have the right to alter any incorrect information held about you.  You can opt out of the above now, or at any time in the future by sending an email detailing your request to, although due to the interconnected nature of our systems, this may mean that we cannot continue to provide you with services.

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Suppliers (Data Processors) List - edited 06/04/2018:


Practice Management Software - Animana (Idexx Animana B.V. Ltd.)


Data Storage and Indexing (e.g. for address lists or management meeting minutes) - Amazon Servers  (where the practice managment information is stored), Google Servers - (we use these to store some documents and data)


Reminders and Marketting Services and Communication: Virtual Recall Ltd. (provide questionnaires to allow our clients to tell us how we can improve)


Finance Loans to Help Clients Pay for Services: Braemar Finance (Close Brothers Ltd.) (a financial institution providing loans to cover veterinary treatment - we will only contact them on your behalf if you or someone listed on your account specifically requests this)


Telephone Recording and Storage: Merlin Telecommunications Ltd. (a provider of telephony and internet connection services)



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map of the finchley vet
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